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English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Today we practised describing people! I will give the answers to this photo tomorrow. LOOK AT THE COMMENTS Practise describing your own...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! What a wonderful day, isn't it? It would be great if we could lie on the grass while reading a book... Reading? Oh yes! Here you...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! Apart from some reading and speaking today it was... CRAFT DAY! Our students Rodrigo and Gisela showed us how to make all these...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Today we are going to learn how to improve our general short conversations. Pay attention to these videos as they will help you to...

English - Official Exams

Morning! Os dejamos por aqui unos exam boosters que os ayudarán en vuestra preparación para los examenes oficiales A2 Key, B1...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! Today we are going to learn about the different types of flowers. And a song to finish!

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! A little listening for today! and it has been a long time...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! Let's practice English with karaoke!

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hi! Trasteando por internet hemos encontrado este artículo con recursos de Cambridge para vuestros futuros exámenes. Merece la pena...


Aquí están los modelos 0 para este año

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Happy Monday everybody! I'm sure you miss the hundreds of crosswords and wordsearch that we usually do in the academy so......

English - Live news

Many parents ask us how can the children listen to more English at home... Well, easy to answer, watch films or series in English with...

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! We have been really busy this week and we have done many things! This week we have focused on spelling and describing. Here you...


PARTS OF THE HOUSE. A CRAFT. You may want to try this ;-)

English - Teacher Mari Carmen

Hello! Today we are going to practise our English with these videos. Remember to put the subtitles in English! See you!

Apoyo Escolar - EBAU - Historia de España

Aquí encontaréis algunos apuntes y los estándares que necesitáis estudiar.

Apoyo Escolar - EBAU - Lengua Castellana y Literatura

Aquí encontraréis recursos para repasar, aunque es un blog de Zaragoza y no siguen los mismos criterios que en Castilla y León, la...

Apoyo Escolar - EBAU - Matemáticas II

Aquí encontraréis algunos examenes resueltos de otros años:

Apoyo Escolar - EBAU - Química

Aquí encontaris algunos examenes de Química de años anteriores resueltos:

Apoyo Escolar - EBAU - Física

Aqui encontrareís algunos examenes de otros años resueltos:

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